Thursday, June 10, 2010


It has been forever and I have composed a thousand OK maybe only like 10-20 posts in my head, but never make the time to sit and write. Tonight I am taking a break from sewing and have time to kill before one of my Besties lands in San Antonio.

I have found myself learning with each run. Currently I am running inside on a treadmill. It has gotten much to humid here, for my already labored breathing, can't add humidity into the mix. So what have I learned in the last 5 weeks???

FOCUS means to concentrate: to focus one's thoughts. (
This is key for me, focusing on my breathing is step one. I get that regulated much quicker than before. Oh, boy how essential good breathing is! Focus on my ability to run, to push through the spots when my body wants to crumble. Focus on everyone else besides myself, God, life. But mail others. I have found my self often picking someone to pray for when I just want to give up and when my mind shifts to them I feel motivated to run harder and longer. Somehow I feel like my physical feat is overcoming for them in ways. Once again I realize how much I really love people.

KEY to it all. I am getting better, it takes about thirty minutes before my breathing becomes natural, fluid. The first time I ran that long it clicked what so many runners have said to me. Consistently I have heard, I get a rhythm, everything flows together, my arms, legs, body, mind and breath. That seemed impossible to me. I have no rhythm, just watch me dance for 5 seconds and I could not imagine breath flowing with the rest of it, since to me it was like labor, something I had to focus and work hard on.

About a month into running I set my mind to making it thirty minutes, two times around these trails we run. First 14 minutes was like fire burning in my lungs and every part of me wanted to retreat. Maybe a walking speed for the second round. Sounds good to me. However, I began praying for my parents and fought through the heat of the first lap and I was half way through the second before I knew it.

Then it happened like an Eagle swooping down and carrying me. My whole body became fluid, breathing effortless, my stride was graceful and it all was perfect. I felt like I had just had a blindfold removed from my eyes, and life was sweeter and sweatier. How had this never happened, ever in my life.

Well maybe because, the thought of running was like wretched smelling garbage to me. Possibly I never fully ran more than thirty minutes. Whatever it was it didn't matter, because for the first time in my life I was enjoying, OK loving how I felt, while running that is.I kept running and made it back to my start point a freer woman.

Seriously, this may sound dramatic, but it was. Each run after that i couldn't wait to get to the 25-30 minute mark, cause that was the time it all flowed together. It has continued to be that way and so I continue to push myself a minute or two more. Honestly for the selfish sake of enjoyment. I heard also that you hit another wall around 7 miles. I am no where close, which leads me to the next lesson.

One minute at a time.
After I had Phoenix a wise and very dear friend of ours told us to take it one minute at a time. Believe me it was the whisper of God to us. Really there were days, weeks, months that phrase was how I lived. And now, as the freshness of that reality fades a little, running has awoken it in my heart. If I keep my eyes on the minutes, it is excruciating. So I have learned to Breathe and continue on. Each run I am amazed at how many minutes have been added to my time.

The goal before starting y official 10 week (starts in late July)training is to be able to run for 30 minutes. I am at forty minutes and over 4 miles at my last run. For me that is great feat. I am so proud and encouraged by my 10;40 mile. Mike runs a 7 min mile, so it is actually pathetic.

For me 10min and 40 second mile is Aaammmaaazzzing. And there is another lesson in and of itself. Be you in everything and appreciate who you are, be proud of what you have accomplished, just by knowing yourself and watching how you grow.

For me I am not a runner, but I am, somehow, becoming one, and amazed and fascinated with every runner I see. For me it will probably never be about the time or competition of it. It will be about pushing myself and finding more strength in God in the process and the friends who do it alongside me. Running will be about me moving and flying into new places in my heart and in life.

Hope you all had a chance to Breathe today and enjoy yourself and beauty and if not make sure you take the time. Breathe this life in, it is gone in a moment!!

Love to you all!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Shopping and runnning!!!

My first recreated shirt, a plain racerback tank with a touch of flair, and color, pink but of course!!
new shoes for summer weddings, we have 3 thus far. 2 in august and one in september, tank I am talking about, $3.50 is such a steal!!!

Second shirt refashion, this was just a plain pink top, i added flowers from an old too small tank with cutting and fusible web and hand sewn on some pretty little beads and took the ruffle off old tank and used liquid stirch which is a fabulous solution to sewing sometimes!!

So today. I decided instead of sitting in traffic on the way home from Phoenix's PT. I would stop by the mall. I don't need anything and actually am attempting to revamp some of my clothing, which is fun and fairly free, nothing ever seems inexpensive with me though. Mike always says you gotta spend money to save money, cause I always convince him that what I want is a great deal. It's our little joke.

But I wanted to get Mike some new summer clothes, he's lost weight, gained weight and now balanced out so.... we both have six wardrobes, mine consist of the pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, the awkward in between baby weight and the oh I am getting my body back: yet somehow my chest has fallen three more inches toward my once existent waist wardrobes. The fabulous news is I am using all his old clothes as revamp t-shirt sewing projects!!! So not a total lost. And I have made progress in thinning out all my wardrobes and giving them away or throwing them in the fabric pile. I have decided that 3 pregnancies ago most of my maternity clothing were cute, but not the next time around, which will still be a while from now. In my mind anyway. That will be a fun shopping spree. Maybe.
So I hit up Macy's cause they have the best fitting clothes for him and came home with a bag full of shirts. He picked through and loved about half, which is great for us. On my second shopping expedition of returns, I found some great steals on summer staples and wanted to share them.

Forever 21 has Long tanks in fun colors with lace on top for 3.50, can't be beat. Macy's has these awesome Baudeu strapless Bra with under wire, cause who doesn't need the support, for like $20 and they are great. Oh and if you have weddings this summer Forever 21 has great shoes for dirt cheap, like $24, that is more than half the price of any other shoe I've seen.

Also, I am revamping clothes from my closet, most of these ideas can be done by hand with things around the house, so here's some links and a couple picks of what I've accomplished.

Running Glorious running has been up and down, continuing to get better at breathing and found this website called, which has been so helpful and encouraging to the process. Continuing to see God in all the complexities of it and loving making time to be in nature. We've been running at a new track. Mike and I and the boys and it helps the time go by fast if we run on a walking trail and not a bike trail. Yesterday we ended up on a bike trail and that was a bit annoying, but I did my time and sweat my booty off. The goal at this point is to run 30 min with out stoppimg, I am truly only at about 20 before this crazy cramping happens in my shoulder, but everyday I get better at this art form, so here's to drinking more water to ward off cramping.Hope today you all get some fresh breathing time alone or with someone you love, it makes our hearts happy. Love to you all!!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Come on in and have a Breath of fresh air.

So this is my new baby. I have decided after being sucked in one too many nights into the blog world of creativity, families with encouraging and courageous lives, ideas and.... oh my the list is just beginning in my head. And I promise to share them with you all.

There is a story always a story behind names in my life and world. So hang in there while I share the inspiration for this blog. Two going on three weeks ago my best friends niece died in a farm accident. At this point my Shanny, (this is my endearing name for her that she loathes) had been training for a half marathon for a couple of months and it was planned for the weekend after sweet Delia's sudden death. Of course all of us who love her and know that she is fiercely committed gave her every reason not to. Besides all the traveling, emotional support to her family and husband, mothering( two lovely girls Eden 3 in July and Keela 8mo) she had done in that week, the pure devastation and grief were not going to fully hit her until she stopped and breathed in air for a little bit. She was on the fence about whether or not to go for it, but of course when the date came she hit the ground running!!!

We chatted Sunday night about her race and all that her heart and mind went through. All that God carried her through and wove into her during the race. She balled at points because she realized that she should have been sharing this Joy and accomplishment with the ones she loved including Delia. Also all the emotion that had to be stuffed down for a week came to the surface and erupted in tears and joy. Needless to say she finished and I left the conversation with a desire and nudging. Because of the deep admiration and joy I felt in her accomplishment and in her beauty.

Now anyone who knows me , has heard me on many occasions echo my pure unadulterated hate for running. I admire those who do it, but for me it equals pain and discipline on a level I just don't come by naturally.It also is associated with uncomfortable images of body parts unruly and smacking me in the face and my then (9yrs. ago) overweight, like an additional 80lbs. body.

So when mentioning the desire and idea of doing it, Mike laughed at me. Well not full blown belly laugh, but more of a chuckle. When I proceeded with certainty and Shannon laid out the reality of training for it. Mike was on board with pride and a little uncertainty of what happen to his wife. He took me the next day to get running gear, he's so wonderful!!! Day one through 3 proved to be hard, realizing that the pain did not become less after 9 yrs. of not running, and the breathing part I am no good at. And fore mentioned memories did not take place, thank God for great bras and three pregnancies to reduce the excess.

All of this to say that I have learned a tremendous amount about myself already and that is worth every ounce of discipline I can summon up. But most of all I have seen that the key to it all is BREATHING. Which I feel is the Key to all of life. Taking a step back to breathe. Breathe in life, beauty, strength, peace; whatever it is you need is as accessible as air if you just stop to gain it through fresh breath and a healthy dose of perspective. Needless to say, last week i committed to do a half marathon in Nashville, TN in late September with Shannon, Dana, Amy (my mom in law), and a longtime friend of ours Lydia.

And so without further ado....

I am starting my own way to breathe, mainly because I believe that this year has revealed so much about me and who I am and what I love in life and I want to share it, the beauty and struggles of motherhood, swimming through the endless world of craftiness and sharing my favorites with you and all the other wonderfully complex rooms of my heart need a place to Breathe and if you wanna a place breathe, come along for the run.

Here's the amazing definition and i highlighted the favorites for me!!

Breathe - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary:

"Words You Never
Knew Came From

Main Entry: breathe
Pronunciation: \ˈbrēth\
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): breathed; breath·ing
Etymology: Middle English brethen, from breth
Date: 14th century
intransitive verb
1 a : to draw air into and expel it from the lungs : respire; broadly : to take in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide through natural processes b : to inhale and exhale freely
2 : live
3 a obsolete : to emit a fragrance or aura b : to become perceptible : be expressed
4 : to pause and rest before continuing
5 : to blow softly
6 : to feel free of restraint
7 of wine : to develop flavor and bouquet by exposure to air
8 a : to permit passage of air or vapor
b of an internal combustion engine : to use air to support combustion

transitive verb
1 a : to send out by exhaling b : to instill by or as if by breathing
2 : to give rest from exertion to to inhale
3 : to take in in breathing
4 : and exhale
5 a : utter, express b : to make manifest : evince
— breathe down one's neck 1 : to threaten especially in attack or pursuit
2 : to keep one under close or constant surveillance
— breathe easy or breathe easier or breathe easily or breathe freely : to enjoy relief (as from pressure or danger

Stay tuned for more fun oposts to come but too hold you over here's a new favorite Blog of mine. So much great creativity and articles!!